Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Singapore
2024-07-26 Parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan will be held on October 27        2024-07-25 Sincere gratitude        2024-07-25 The President of Uzbekistan discusses with foreign partners issues of further deepening mutually beneficial cooperation       


  • Parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan will be held on October 27

    2024-07-26  11

    On Sunday, October 27, elections for deputies of the Legislative Chamber and Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, as well as deputies of regional, city, and district councils, will be held. The Central Election Commission made this decision at a meeting on Friday.

  • Sincere gratitude

    2024-07-25  3

    I express my deep gratitude to the heads of foreign states, governments and parliaments, political and public figures, representatives of the business community, heads of international organizations, residents of mahallas and labor collectives of our country, all compatriots who sent sincere congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of my birthday.

  • The President of Uzbekistan discusses with foreign partners issues of further deepening mutually beneficial cooperation

    2024-07-25  7

    On July 24, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held telephone conversations with heads of state and authoritative politicians of foreign countries.

Event at the Embassy

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tourism in Uzbekistan