A number of permissive documents are canceled
A presidential decree "On measures to radically improve licensing and permitting procedures" was adopted.
In accordance with the Decree, from 1 January 2021:
37 licenses and 10 permits canceled;
16 licenses and 11 permits are canceled by merging;
through the introduction of a notification procedure, 17 licenses and 14 permits are canceled;
the terms of registration of 14 types of licensed activities and permits are almost halved;
the procedure for obtaining 115 licenses and permits is simplified.
According to the Decree, licenses or permissive documents issued for an activity (action) in respect of which a notification procedure has been introduced continue to operate, and a notification of the authorized body is not required to carry out this activity (action).
From 1 January 2021:
it is established that when licensing tourist activities, certification of tour operators’ services is voluntary;
requirement for documents confirming consent to exchange credit information with at least 10 commercial banks when licensing credit bureaus;
the practice of issuing a separate license for branches of legal entities by introducing the practice of indicating the address of each branch in the main license when licensing activities for the retail sale of drugs and medical products by legal entities licensed for this activity, when creating their branches carrying out similar activities;
the procedure for requesting receipt of letters of guarantee from local government bodies from the applicant upon obtaining a license for the right to use subsoil plots